I.R.T.E.A., 39 Favierou Str., PC10438, Athens, Greece

New logo, new ideas, EUropa.S. 2015

Future Leaders

New logo, new ideas, EUropa.S. 2015

EUropa.S 2015 is the development of Euro.Pa.S which started back in 2010 being one of the most professional and coherent simulation of EU Institutions in the Region of Eastern Europe.

With respect to the Treaty of Lisbon EUropa.S has developed in creating a Simulation were students will be tasked to take decisions in the levels of the European Council, the Council of the EU, the European Commission, European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the EU.

The new logo of EUropa.S was designed to stipulate the 4 major Institutions of the EU, with four circular lines deriving from the historical symbol of the EU

The European Council, the Council of EU, the European Commission and the European Parliament!

EUropa.S 2015
The Future Leaders
The Political Innovators
The European Decision makers
The Future of Europe


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