I.R.T.E.A., 39 Favierou Str., PC10438, Athens, Greece


Future Leaders

EUropa.S. Conference is the biggest simulation of the European Institutions in Greece and the Balkans. Established back in 2010, it simulates the function of the main Institutions of the European Union: the European Parliament, the European Council, the European Commission, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank.

Our mission is to:

  1. Provide specialized training regarding the Institutions and Bodies of the European Union 
  2. Contribute to the better understanding of the EU’s structure, policies and procedures
  3. Stimulate the interest of young Europeans in EU related affairs
  4. Act as a forum of productive dialogue in the future of EU

Our vision is to narrow the gap between the academic knowledge and professional practice in EU related affairs, as well as to empower the European youth, by providing transferable life and work skills. Thus, EUropa.S. aims to promote the dissemination of knowledge and provide a first hand experience on EU institutions.